About Us
Wellbeing Plus was formed in 2018 by our founding members.
Initially we were offering practical help and support to people within the Middlesbrough area, who were suffering from long term health conditions. We have now expanded our geographical area and the number of people we can support.
Our founding members have struggled with their own long term health problems, mental health issues and all of the financial and family/ household implications that came along following their diagnosis.
Between us we have a multitude of academic skills, but more importantly we are experts by our own experiences.
We have been through the NHS system, the benefit system and the charitable services that are available so we do actually know what your going through, what helps and what doesn’t.
Our aim is to pass on our expertise and experience to people by following and educating people on the five ways to wellbeing. To offer practical support and advice to our clients within the North East of England, who are struggling to get by on their own.
Whatever the reason, we are here to help you in any way we can. No-one will be turned away.
* We run drop-in coffee sessions in various borough’s
* We provide practical food poverty advice and support
* Help with building a C.V
* Practical job search support
* Any other advice and support required
We are a non discriminatory and diverse community group who actively seek feedback from all of our clients. This is to help us understand the local community as a whole and where our clients feel additional support is needed within their areas. This enables us to fill any gaps and provide that service or to refer to another relevant organisation that are already offering that service, but are unknown to the client.