Our aim is to provide information, advice and support based around the 5 ways to wellbeing:
Keep Learning: We all feel better within ourselves when we learn something new, especially when that achievement is recognised by others. Wellbeing Plus offer help and support to find and learn new hobbies, learn new skills and/or learn how to be important again. We offer information about academic and non-academic courses that are available in the community for little or no cost to you and we help you to feel confident enough to take part and complete any courses of your choosing. This can also involve one of our dedicated volunteers attending the course with you until you feel comfortable enough to attend alone.
Connect: Connecting with other people in similar situations to yourself in any number of ways. Either by 1:1 peer mentor sessions. Attending regular weekly group sessions. Taking part in small group activities with peer supporters and/or 1:1 coaching sessions with a qualified coach. This can also include spending quality time with family and friends or attending other groups and making new friends.
Take Notice: We encourage all of our clients to be more aware of what is going on around you. To be aware of what is happening in the lives of family and friends, listen to what is being said to you and to seek additional help and support when you need it. We encourage you to find out what is happening in your local community and to eventually become an active member of society again.
Give: Helping others can have a strong impact on our own personal wellbeing and we can all give to others in many ways. We can donate our small change to worthy causes or donate our unwanted clothes or household items to charity shops. We can also give a little of our time to call at the shop for the lady over the road if she is unable to get there, we can support a family member or a friend with something. We can support our peers or we can offer a little bit more of our time and start volunteering on a regular basis for a worthwhile organisation. This is why we encourage you to actively seek a cause that is important to you and to think about ways that you can offer assistance to them in any role that you feel comfortable with.
Be Active: This doesn't mean that you need to purchase a gym membership. It means that hopefully, with the right balance of encouragement and support, you will be able to do a little bit more for yourself in your own homes. You may be able to go out more and possibly take part in other activities going on in your local community. It is about actively being a part of your family and friendship groups, and not just existing alongside them.
Other topics we discuss and provide information on during our sessions include, but are not limited to:
The care act and how it can benefit our clients.
The benefit system and how to prepare for assessments.
How aids, adaptations and technology can make their lives easier.
Volunteering and where to begin.
Community groups and how to access them.
Other support groups in the area.
Debt and financial issues due to illness or disability.
Hobbies and other activities.
How we can manage our symptoms more effectively.
Ways to improve our overall wellbeing.
Plus much, much more.
Everything we discuss and do through Wellbeing Plus is designed to make life easier and more productive for our clients. We encourage active participation and support you throughout your journey. This also helps to build confidence and self esteem, which has a positive impact on your overall health and wellbeing.