Blog page - latest information 

This is our new blog page which will contain all the latest news and information from the Wellbeing Plus Craft Room

11 March 2025

I am so pleased to tell you all that We have received a community achievement award. Tonight I attended a presentation evening with other volunteers in the area who also work really hard in the community. 

We were presented with the award by the Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland in recognition for all the work we do.

Although we don't expect awards like this. It is extremely humbling to be recognised and nominated, but I couldn't do what I do without the help and support from Pat and Erica who help me everyday in the craft room and of course the support from my family. So thanks guys. We make a good team 🥰 xx

5 March 2025 

So far this year has been a busy one. We have become part of the dementia friendly community in Redcar and Cleveland, and have started another craft group on a Wednesday afternoon. 

We have also had the outside of the craftroom painted a stunning turquoise colour. There is a bit left to finish off, and the shutters will be painted on Friday this week, so we are really looking forward to it being finished. The whole arcade is looking fabulous now, and I hear lots of people talking about it as they pass by. 

please keep popping back and keep up to date with what is happening in the craft room. Every week is different and we have lots going on in 2025 😊